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When it comes to lawn care, good soil is paramount. One easy and affordable way to improve the quality of your soil is by making your own compost. Composting is an excellent way to cultivate nutrient-rich soil that can help with growing a healthy lawn. It not only enriches the soil but also helps reduce waste and benefits the environment. All you really need is a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sunlight and moisture. Any time of year is a good time to start composting, but the high summer temperatures make it quick and easy.  

Types of compost

Making your own compost is actually pretty straight forward; understanding the difference between hot and cold composting is key. Hot composting is a technique where the compost pile generates enough heat from the decaying process to break down quickly, making it ideal for those who want compost in a shorter amount of time. However, this method requires frequent turning and careful attention. On the other hand, cold composting is a slower process that still creates great compost but requires less attention since it doesn't require turning or monitoring. Both methods have their advantages so choose the method that’s best for you.

Choosing a container

When it comes to choosing a container for composting, numerous options are available. For instance, a compost tumbler is a great choice for those who want compost quickly since it does not require turning. It is also neat and compact, which makes it ideal for use in smaller gardens and outdoor areas with limited space, such as balconies. Those with larger gardens may prefer a compost bin made using wooden pallets since it allows for a bigger volume of compost. If you have the space, having 2 larger compost bins allows you to always have one building-up while the other is being used.

Seasonal differences

If you plan on making compost in springtime, it is essential to adjust your recipe to match the season. Early in the year, it may be best to focus on nitrogen-rich materials from fresh green leaves and grass clippings as they start to appear. Adding food scraps and other organic material will help balance the mix while maintaining a good moisture level. You may also want to consider adding some manure, which can provide essential nutrients, along with biodegradable materials like eggshells to help fortify the soil. To make compost at home during the summer, start by collecting vegetable scraps, coffee grinds, and yard waste such as leaves and grass clippings. These ingredients should be added to a compost bin with some soil and turned regularly to help speed up the decaying process. 

What to use

By layering kitchen scraps, such as fruit and vegetable peels, with organic garden waste, you'll begin to create a rich soil amendment that your lawn will love. Leaves and grass clippings will be the most prominent and regular waste you will be adding to the pile, providing you keep up with your lawn maintenance. Just be sure to water your compost regularly and turn it with a pitchfork every few weeks to encourage decomposition. In a matter of no time, you will have at your disposal a readily available supply of homemade compost that can serve as a natural fertiliser to provide your lawn with the nutrients it requires to flourish.

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